Grant Review Process
Applications for all awards are first reviewed and scored by members of the IASLC's Career Development and Fellowship Committee. Using a nine-point rating scale adapted from the NIH's grant rating scale, reviewers score applications based on the criteria provided below.
Each application receives a score from each reviewer (three per application) on the following areas of the application:
Application Section |
Review Criteria |
Statement of Significance |
Applicant Statement |
Project Background |
Specific Aims |
Methods |
Timetable |
Each application also receives an overall score from each judge on the following criteria:
- Potential of the candidate
- Scientific merit of the project
- Significance of the project
- Institutional support
The maximum number of points awarded by each reviewer is 90 (9 points available for each of the scoring criteria listed above). The maximum number of total points awarded to an application (total of points from all reviewers, also known as the Total Score) is 270.